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aircompressor 12-05-2013 06:40 AM

what is the white hat & black hat seo?
Require Ans.

john00 12-05-2013 07:06 AM

White hat seo is the process to promote the legal way to promote the website.
Black hat seo is the process to promote the illegal way to promote the website, keyword stuffing, link cloaking, link wheel are the black hat seo tactics.

martin.ziegert 12-05-2013 12:34 PM

White Hat SEO techniques includes any technique that would suggest to appear like if it's done by real users/visitors or what is suggested as "organic" in SEO terms.

Black Hat SEO techniques are all of the stuff that doesn't appear "normal". Let me give you few examples:

- Using automated services for generating identical content on dozens or even hundreds of different sites/blog/forums on frequent basis
- Leaving a number of backlinks leading to a specific site that doesn't correspond to the real traffic of the website. Let's say that a certain website has 10 visits per day that equals to 300 a month. If you leave 300 backlinks or even more leading to your website with 300 visits per month is Black Hat technique, because think about it, would really each visitor leave a backlink to your site somewhere???

So, you have to kinda think about it and use common sense. If anything that doesn't appear normal in terms of getting the monthly traffic to your website is considered as Black Hat techniques usage.

mattylad 12-05-2013 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by john00 (Post 351715)
White hat seo is the process to promote the legal way to promote the website.
Black hat seo is the process to promote the illegal way to promote the website, keyword stuffing, link cloaking, link wheel are the black hat seo tactics.

theres nothing illegal about black hat seo... its just frowned upon...

the 'legitimate' (probably a better word) way of optimising is by buildoing backlinks to your site, do some reading on what link building is

martin.ziegert 12-05-2013 06:10 PM

mattylad is right, it's not illegal in terms of someone will come and arrest you.

Furthermore, prior to the beginning of the last year the worst case scenario for utilizing the black hat techniques would be that there was a possibility it won't work and you spent your money for nothing. But from the Google Penguin update, utilizing blackhat techniques can get your site ranking down the drain, even your pages de-indexed, if you get caught of course. But from my experience in providing SEO services to clients for years now, it's not worth the risk.

john6 12-05-2013 09:32 PM

Black hat SEO refers to attempts to improve rankings in ways that are not approved by search engines and involve deception. They go against current search engine guidelines.

White hat SEO refers to use of good practice methods to achieve high search engine rankings. They comply with search engine guidelines.

loolna 12-06-2013 05:21 AM

Nowadays White Hat SEO is better than Black Hat SEO because after Google Penguin update, All Websites which are promoted by black Hat SEO was penalized by Google. So, I suggest White Hat SEO it is for life time.

martin.ziegert 12-06-2013 06:09 AM

Yeah loolna, there is definitely some serious risk involved after Penguin update. But I can't really complain as I got quite a number of clients after they got penalized because they hired people who used black hat techniques :) I never used it, always do things as natural as it can appear.

eulmetin 12-06-2013 06:23 AM

Thank You
All of them is required informations.Thank you friends.

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seo_butterflyth 04-23-2014 01:09 AM

White hat SEO Techniques used to get higher search rankings in an unethical manner.
Black hat SEO techniques Conforms to search engine designs and involves no deception.

austinrobinson 04-29-2014 11:01 PM

White hat Seo is always better than black hat, especially after the update from Google Penguin. Websites that are promoted by black hat are penalized by Google.

albertmoore3 12-01-2015 03:46 AM

White Hat SEO is much better than Black Hat especially after the Google Penguin update. Google is known to penalize websites using Black Hat SEO.

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