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kaptai2013 09-11-2012 03:25 AM

Content sharing on social network
If I circulate my page on all and as many sites which share content and increase the number of likes in ethical way, will the page ranking of the web page increase?

Will your page ranking increase? Yes it would. Just as long as you don't post your links on a porn site or a site that is poorly put together your PR will go up. Also, watch the context in which your link is posted. Each link will add a very small bit of PR and if you do it in enough unique places it'll eventually add up. Getting other users to share the link will also help you in multitudes. It takes time and effort before you reap significant benefits though.

Aside from the PR boost, sharing content on social media platforms is a good way for you to promote yourself overall and to drive traffic to your site. Posting content can only make people that much more curious about you and give them more of an impetus to visit you and try/buy your product. Plus, again, if people share your content that exposes you to others and you give others an opportunity to sample you. Even if you never get that significant PR bump at least you're getting yourself out there.

Content sharing in social network is best for promoting and branding your site. If your social interaction is strong then it will good for site ranking and visitors. Social network sites has wide community so it will good for our site.

kevin1220 09-16-2012 11:50 PM

Content sharing on social network will helps to increase traffic, online reputation and brand management for your site.

abiabiah 09-18-2012 02:09 AM

Can you please describe the term content sharing in simple words?

anshulniet 09-18-2012 02:41 AM

basically content sharing is an effective online marketing technique of creating and distributing informative,relevant and valuable content to attract more readers and to potential visitors to your website according to specific information they are most interested in.

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