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najishahmed 07-21-2017 12:42 AM

What is Meta Title?
Hlo Friends,
Can anyone tell me, What is Meta Title?

Sarahlilly 07-21-2017 12:44 AM

The meta title is a title you give your webpage within the meta tags so that when a person sees a link to your page from the search engine it has a title to go with it. It is also visible at the top of the page tab in many web browsers and is saved as the title of a bookmark if a user saves it.

sandeepsharmag 07-21-2017 02:48 AM

Meta title is 55 to 65 character's length that describe about page content.

quickyadspro 07-21-2017 03:03 AM

The meta title is a title you give your webpage within the meta tags so that when a person sees a link to your page from the search engine it has a title to go with it.

jessicajesi 07-21-2017 03:04 AM

The meta title is a title you give your webpage within the meta tags so that when a person sees a link to your page from the search engine it has a title to go with it. It is also visible at the top of the page tab in many web browsers and is saved as the title of a bookmark if a user saves it.

johnkevin 07-21-2017 03:25 AM

The meta title is a title you give your webpage within the meta tags so that when a person sees a link to your page from the search engine it has a title to go with it. It is also visible at the top of the page tab in many web browsers and is saved as the title of a bookmark if a user saves it.

Carlbrewster 07-21-2017 03:33 AM

Meta title basically tell the visitor what this page is about? what information it has? & if he find it useful he will click on it and reach to your website, so, meta title is a key feature of on-page SEO.

BryceBrady 07-21-2017 03:37 AM

The meta title is a title you give your webpage within the meta tags so that when a person sees a link to your page from the search engine it has a title to go with it. It is also visible at the top of the page tab in many web browsers and is saved as the title of a bookmark if a user saves it.

Vincy 07-21-2017 03:48 AM

Every webpage (e.g. homepage, subpage) has its own title. The page title is laid out in HTML code and appears in the title bar of the browser. Search engines display page titles in their search results. In addition, search engines use page titles in order to recognize what information the website contains. Ideally page titles should include the search term for which the website has been optimized.

tionnasmith 07-21-2017 04:37 AM

The meta title is a title you give your webpage within the meta tags so that when a person sees a link to your page from the search engine it has a title to go with it. It is also visible at the top of the page tab in many web browsers and is saved as the title of a bookmark if a user saves it.

Vinoth_Wiz 07-21-2017 04:50 AM

Meta tags are short snippets of webpage text which describes your Website Page’s content. Meta tags are not visible on Webpage's content, but can be found in the Webpage's Source Code.

Title Tag, Meta Description, Meta Keywords and Meta Robots are the most common & always used Meta Tags. Let’s discuss these in details.

Title Tag: It contains the information about your Page's Content. It should be up to 60 characters or 600 pixels (Google SERPs Title Tag length). It’s the first impression in front of users when querying over SE’s (Search Engines). Thus make it informative & interesting to read on it further.

Meta Description: It's very important & useful meta tag to describe your Page's content. It lets search engines know about the data on your Webpage. It should be limited up to 160 characters. It’s the first impression in form of Snippet along-with Title after Title & URL displayed in front of users when querying over SE’s (Search Engines)

Meta Keywords: Meta Keywords includes the Keywords which suits your Webpage's Content. However, these are no more useful now.
Meta Robots: This says the search engines what to do with your Page. Whether to index it or not i.e. "index/noindex" and whether to follow the links on the page or not with the text "follow/nofollow".

meco 07-22-2017 02:09 AM

The meta title is a title you give your webpage within the meta tags so that when a person sees a link to your page from the search engine it has a title to go with it. It is also visible at the top of the page tab in many web browsers and is saved as the title of a bookmark if a user saves it.

santosh261 07-22-2017 02:11 AM

Meta title is a title you give your webpage within the meta tags so that when a person sees a link to your page from the search engine it has a title to go with it. It is also visible at the top of the page tab in many web browsers and is saved as the title of a bookmark if a user saves it.

meco 07-22-2017 02:19 AM

A contextual link is a type of link that's usually found within the body of content and is in context with the idea surrounding the link. It can be both natural and artificial.

santosh261 07-22-2017 02:25 AM

The meta title is a title you give your webpage within the meta tags so that when a person sees a link to your page from the search engine it has a title to go with it. It is also visible at the top of the page tab in many web browsers and is saved as the title of a bookmark if a user saves it.

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