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cadeross331 09-21-2011 09:22 PM

Search engine optimization
Search engine optimization (SEO) is all about increasing the ranking of a website on popular search engines. Designing, developing and hosting a website involves a considerable amount of time. While many consider automatic SEO submissions to be better, many are of the opinion that the manual option is better as you can pick and choose for yourself which are the sites on which you want to build a link. Yet there are others who say that there is a considerable time involved in manual submissions and hence the automatic route is better. I would like to what the members here think.

kollimited 09-21-2011 10:32 PM

Very informative news about SEO . SEO is best way increase traffic and keyword rank on your website. Thanks for sharing.

alina albert 09-22-2011 01:21 AM

SEO is not easy now a days you have to make some strong strategy to get good and fine results.
Other important thing is to avoid spammy techniques.

deepy 09-22-2011 02:44 AM

SEO (Search engine optimization)
SEO it's a technique which help through every person can campaign at the particular search engine(google bing yahoo etc ) visualization of specific url

patrick0001 09-22-2011 11:40 PM

Automate submission will create lot of duplicate content, most of the time, they submit to unrelated category.

Manual submission is most safer, but it also very time consuming. In order to balance the work and quality link back, I use semi auto submission.

kelly44 09-23-2011 03:47 AM

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines via the "natural" or un-paid ("organic" or "algorithmic") search is very popular now a days

serena85 09-23-2011 04:30 AM

Automate submission is seen as spam by Google.

adam70 09-24-2011 12:48 AM

used seo we can easily promote own website over internet.

raxe 09-25-2011 05:48 PM

Link building is very important element of search engine optimisation. Having incoming links is great and it helps you get numerous visitors as well as increase website rating. However keep in mind that not all links are equal. The links that count are coming from reputable places with relevant content. Getting links from farm sites won't help you at all.

Before you start doing off-site search engine optimisation you should focus on on-site SEO. Choosing right keywords and distributing them across elements of your site (title, metadata, headings, paragraphs, links, lists, images alt text, etc) will significantly increase your position.

At present search engines pay a lot of attention to relevant links. In order to have such a valuable link, basically you should aim to get links from relevant pages containing relevant keywords as the anchor text.

mikest 09-26-2011 03:13 AM

Search Engine Optimization is a Process to Improve Your Site Visibility in Major Search Engines!! There are Several Process of Search Engine Optimization Like On Page Optimization, Off Page Optimization, SEM, SMO, PPC and Others!!

jyotidiversity 09-27-2011 12:57 AM

SEO stands for Search engine optimization. SEO is used for optimize a site. SEO is divided in Parts: On-page optimization and Off-page optimization. We have some techniques of SEO:
Social bookmarking
Article submission
blog Commenting
Forum Posting
blog posting

Diane Forster 09-28-2011 02:59 AM

Yes that is correct, SEO is a very important part of our online marketing efforts. It ensures that we stay high up on viability and drive in traffic to our site after which good eCommerce solution and on page optimization shall help with sales conversions.

john321 09-28-2011 10:06 AM

I believe that our optimization is sufficient only for google
I do not need another search engine
They are almost no effect

AmitThapa 11-10-2011 05:35 AM

search engine optimization is the process to improve visibility of websites in Search engine listings.

DarkAngel 11-10-2011 10:38 AM

Now, most of people know about the words. Before three years ago I was not familiar with the field.

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