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sinicline 12-05-2012 07:39 PM

What is best Search engine ?
Now a days there are main three search engines , google , yahoo and bing . Which is best search engine and why ?

muzz 12-06-2012 05:38 AM

This question asked so many times,obviously Google is king and best.

manojob 12-06-2012 05:44 AM

According to my opinion, Google is the best search engine.

bermuda 12-06-2012 11:17 AM

At present, Google seems to be the top choice among most webmasters because it sends more visitors and customers to the websites compared with Yahoo and Bing.

shiraoshi 12-06-2012 02:08 PM

The best search engine today is google because most of internet users are prefer using google search and most of internet marketers are making money using google search data.

dean1122 12-08-2012 12:39 AM

my vote is for Google.
because every seo worker always try to optimize their site according to google's algo.

annerice 12-08-2012 02:36 AM

Google is the best search engine!

manika 12-10-2012 12:52 AM

Ofcorse Google is a best search engine.

stephan07 12-10-2012 05:26 AM

Google is one the most wonderful search engine where you can find all of the world information easily, so Google is the best search engine.

quicklockworks 12-10-2012 12:37 PM

Google, not only for the excellent free tools it offers but also because more people use google then any other search engine, you never hear people say "let me just yahoo it" :)

xiangde 12-10-2012 07:45 PM

Google is best search engine

nptifitness 12-11-2012 12:26 AM

Of course Google. Because 9 out of 10 people prefer Google to search any thing from internet.

Zora2012 12-11-2012 02:03 AM

Google is the best search engines, i like to google.

johnmith 12-11-2012 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by sinicline (Post 244380)
Now a days there are main three search engines , google , yahoo and bing . Which is best search engine and why ?

Google is the best search engine...because there are lot of efforts will be there behind the top most search engine like google..

chikkiarora 12-11-2012 05:16 AM

Google is ofcourse the best search engine and yahoo and bing is also not bad for the traffic.

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