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sudeepkhana 10-21-2019 05:41 AM

How do you use Social media in your marketing??
How do you use Social media in your marketing??

leenahahim 11-18-2019 01:52 AM

Build Your Channels Early. “Don't wait for launch day to create your social media channels,” says Vernon. ...
Build Relationships With Influencers. ...
Find Your Audience. ...
Join The Conversation.

alexson 11-18-2019 07:39 AM

There are many ways to Social media marketing ---
1. Sare quality image or video with relevant hashtags
2. post-it on a particular time
3. Follow other popular accounts

Mr.Yoso 11-19-2019 01:24 AM

Social media is no ideal for direct marketing but use it for establishing your brand by sharing beneficial content for the users.

Dubey675 01-02-2020 10:52 PM

Users are active on social media platforms because these channels offer a fun and easy way to network, keep in touch with friends and family, and stay connected with what’s going on in the world.

william17 01-16-2020 08:49 PM

There may be different ways you can employ social media for marketing. The most sensible method would be to create your own profile for the business and link it to your website. Create a few posts on the page, not less than 10. These posts should be graphic and high quality. After you have some content, use the advertisement feature on the platform. These days every social media platform has one. Sst the parameters and you are good to go.

william17 01-27-2020 12:42 AM

There may be different ways you can employ social media for marketing. The most sensible method would be to create your own profile for the business and link it to your website. Create a few posts on the page, not less than 10. These posts should be graphic and high quality. After you have some content, use the advertisement feature on the platform. These days every social media platform has one. Sst the parameters and you are good to go.

Aman897 02-21-2020 01:45 AM

Users are active on social media platforms because these channels offer a fun and easy way to network, keep in touch with friends and family, and stay connected with what’s going on in the world.

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omshivam 02-27-2020 08:16 PM

Social media channels do help a blogger in getting traffic as well as regular readers. One just needs to write and share good, useful and interesting content and also has to post them regularly.
Social media can also help one in building a healthy communication network with fellow bloggers.

raji96 03-12-2020 03:01 AM

Yes, I used Social Media marketing to increase the traffic of my website.

RH-Calvin 03-17-2020 04:46 AM

Social media marketing helps to promote your website in various social networking sites and generate more traffic and leads for your online business.

henrybolt 03-20-2020 02:51 AM

Social media marketing helps to promote your website on various social networking sites and generate more traffic and leads for your online business.

horizontour 03-21-2020 04:47 AM

Excellent thread post, thanks for sharing the social media in your marketing.

vinodkumar 04-05-2020 03:47 AM

with the help of content and hash tag

smith1 05-13-2020 11:39 PM

nice information, thanks

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