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lukeevans595 01-18-2012 03:44 AM

Steps for the SEO
Will you need a web based site that really conforms to the most current industry standards that are being implemented out there in the online world today? If this is the case then you will be able to make use of this thing called SEO or search engine optimization matter. I have been a successful webmaster for quite some time already and for this reason I can share some secrets that I have used. One is that you have to use unique and really interesting content on your site. Another is that you will need to have plenty of backlinks.

BlazerD 01-19-2012 01:32 AM

SEO is steps is on on page and off page, you have to do plenty of activities in both forms of SEO.

serena85 01-19-2012 02:58 AM

There are so many to say about SEO....and if any of you want to learn about it I suggest to read very much.

seoinheritx 01-19-2012 05:35 AM

On Page and Off Page activities are really good for the search engine.

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john5269 01-19-2012 06:58 AM

very informative post thanks for sharing.

jeny 01-20-2012 12:01 AM

SEO is done in two parts on-page SEO and off-page SEO.and both are very important for the good SEO.

Jagbani 01-20-2012 12:44 AM

Every webmaster and Search engine optimizer has only one dream after launching the website i.e. To be in top 10 Rankings with the targeted keywords to get the best business online.

But I have seen lot of website owners disappointed when the website fails to come in top rankings after a long period of SEO efforts made in website popularity. Here only, we need to check and analyze. Are they just efforts or SERIOUS efforts in making website into top 10 rankings?

SEO is not a magic, it need continuous and dedicated work towards your website popularity. But a good SEO strategy can improve the rankings and relevant traffic to the website. Following are some of SEO tips which can surely help you getting your targets in Search engine optimization -

1. Title Tags - They can do wonders. Yes! A good title tag can change your rankings in very short period. Make it small and interesting but relevant to your web page.[/LIST]2. Heading Tags - Use H1, H2 and H3 in your web page as your targeted keywords and see the effect.
3. Relevant URL Naming - Provide your targeted keywords to search engine robots just from the website URL.
4. Alt Tags - Put alt tags on your images to increase keyword density of your targeted keywords. It is more helpful when your page has very less content.
5. XML Sitemap - Create XML sitemap and upload it in the root folder of your website. Submit the same in Google Webmaster Tools to check that status of your website in Google. Click here ---> To know more about Google Webmaster Tools
6. Submission in Business Directories - Submit your website link with your targeted keyword in business directories. It helps you getting more relevant hits and traffic to the website.
7. Article Submission - Write some interesting articles and submit in high traffic article submission sites like You should use your targeted keywords as anchor text to your targeted pages to be on top rankings in Search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing.
8. Use Webmaster Forums - Make the best use of your account in webmaster forum like Web Cosmo, Degitalpoint, where you can use Signature links, can get website reviews, link exchanges, search engine updates and suggestions for your website popularity and indexing.

digitalid12 01-24-2012 05:22 AM

there are various steps, first of all one should do On page optization and then Off page optimizations.

digitalid12 01-24-2012 06:33 AM

Nice .......thx for info

regher 01-26-2012 06:32 AM

Thanks for this information.

michalsemen 01-26-2012 09:09 AM

Steps of SEO are on site optimization and off site optimization.On site optimization and off site optimization is the best way to improve your site in the search engines. Onsite optimization helps to optimize the structure of website and off site optimization creates back links to your site.

bsbhupendra771 01-26-2012 10:52 AM

I think give more importance to On page and off page site optimization for good SEO.

adamsjohn 02-01-2012 04:55 AM

thank...... It's really nice post

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