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enmanueljhony 03-24-2014 04:51 PM

Dofollow and Nofollow Backlinks
If you are a blogger or web developer you might know about the backlinks now or at least you have heard about backlinks. Backlinks are the main key in SEO. Backlinks is very important to get traffic to your web or blog site and it helps you to get search engine ranking.

let see what are backlinks,
Backlinks are incoming links to your web site from other web sites. Backlinks are also call as inbound links, incoming links, inward links and inlinks.

Why Backlinks are important,

As i said above backlinks play the key roll in SEO. To increase your page rank and search rank backlinks helps lot. When search engine bot calculate the relevance of a site to a search keyword they looking after number of quality backlinks that site has and they sort the search result in order to number of backlinks websites has. So to get into top in search results you have to build quality backlinks. there is two types of backlinks, In this case most effective backlinks for SEO is Dofollow backlinks. So you have to keep your eye on making dofollow backlinks.
Types of Backlinks
There is two type of backlinks,

Dofollow backlink
Nofollow backlink

What is Dofollow backlink ?
When search engine bot (crawler) looking at content on your website it checks about all the thinks your webpage has like images, keywords,text and links etc. when they found a link with in your page and if the link is Dofollow, search engine crawler follow the link and go to other webpage. As i said above this type of backlinks is the most effective to search ranking.

What is Nofollow backlinks ?
Normally Nofollow backlinks are been ignored by search engine crawlers. they just skip that links and keep looking at your content on the page. if you need to set your links as Nofollow, you can just use rel=”nofollow” attribute. if Nofollow is only for external links you can use attribute as rel=”external nofollow”

My External links should be Dofollow or Nofollow ?
I suggest you to use Nofollow for outgoing links in your page as default. And use Dofollow for just links which are relevant to the content.

longnhvietnam 03-24-2014 09:40 PM

Thank you very much. Now I understand more about backlinks. I must focus on Dofollow backlinks, it's is more useful for SEO than nofollow backlinks.

seo_butterflyth 03-24-2014 10:51 PM

Very nice article... Lots of people doesn't know about the diffrence between dofollow and nofollow backlinks and what are the causes and benefits. Thanks for sharing.

aakkam 03-29-2014 05:33 AM

Informative post. Its very interesting and much useful. You have given clear idea about dofollow and nofollow links.

Vectorinspector 03-29-2014 12:41 PM

I used to only search for Dofollow backlinks to get more link juice flowing to my page. And I have scoured the internet looking for places with dofollow. However, with Google's recent implementation of Peguin and Panda, I would have to say I am getting great results from having a good mix of both. Having both Dofollow and nofollow seems to look more organic and "natural" to the algorithm. So, until the next update, my vote is to go with both. Look at it this way, even nofollow backlinks will drive real human traffic to your site. How can that be bad?

beetwist 04-01-2014 04:28 AM

Using a combination of dofollow and nofollow backlinks is best. ratio of 50-50 is perfect.

SmallSEOToolz 09-06-2015 03:49 AM

Really amazing information about dofollow and nofollow backlinks. I recommend the both dofollow and nofollow backlinks.

emedicinelog 10-20-2015 06:14 AM

great information for newbies

fanifani727 10-20-2015 07:15 AM

Hi dear, thanks for sharing such great information with us.
I hope these information help me a lot to gaining dofollow and nofollow backlinks.

dhakkanz 10-20-2015 09:47 AM

quite true. but allow me to ask a question here -

How to determine if a website where I am trying to get a backlink from, is a dofollow website?

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