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dieheart 01-22-2016 09:34 PM

Apply These 12 Secret Techniques To Improve On page Seo Factor
12 Key on page SEO factor that search engine and users love.

Step One for on page SEO

Leverage SEO-friendly permalink URLs: You want your page's URL to be short and keywords rich. Avoid ugly URLs, like Google has started that the first 3-5 words in a URL are given the most weight. The URL Should be like

Step Two for on page SEO

Goal = Start title with Keyword: Your title tag is the most important on-page SEO element. While doing an experiment I had found that page started their title with a keywords ranked higher then those with the keyword in the middle or in end of the title.

Step Three for on page SEO

Dazzle with Multimedia: Text can only take your content so far. Engaging images, videos and diagrams can reduce bounce rate and increase time on site: Two user interaction- based google ranking factors.

Step Four for on page SEO

Use Outbound Links: Outbound links to related pages is a relevancy signal that helps google zero-in on your page's topic. Few month ago when i was writing blog on I had given an outbound link to higher authority sites such as Wikipedia.Org and harvard.eud , by doing this my webpage get boost page authority by google.

Step Five for on page SEO

Drop Keywords in First 100 Words: Your keywords should appear in the first 100 - 150 words of the article. Putting the keywords early in the content emphasizes that your article's content is about that keywords.

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Step Six for on page SEO

Wrap Your Title In An H1 Tag: The h1 tag is your 'heading tag'. Most blog platforms (like WordPress) automatically add the H1 tag to your post title. But some themes override this setting. Check your site's code to make sure your title gets the H1 love it deserves.

Step Seven for on page SEO

Nail Loading Speed: Google is on the record as saying page loading speed is an important SEO ranking signal. You can boost your site speed by using a CDN, compressing image, and switching to faster hosting. Make sure it loads in 4 seconds or less for your page to: a study by munch web that 75% of users wouldn’t re-visit a site that took longer than 4 seconds to load.

Step Eight for on page SEO

Add Modifiers to your title: Adding modifiers like '2015', 'best', 'review', can help you rank for long tail versions of your target keyword.

Step Nine for on page SEO

Use Social Sharing Buttons: Social signal are becoming a larger part of search engine algorithms. A promotion by social sharing button can increase social sharing by up to 700%

Step Ten for on page SEO

Post Long Content: The SEO adage 'length is strength' was supported by which found that longer content rank significantly higher in google. Aim for at least 1500 words when targeting competitive keywords.

Step Eleven for on page SEO

Slash Bounce Rate: A bounce -- when a visitor quickly leaves your site -- is used by search engines to gauge a page's quality. Google can use the google toolbar, chrome browser, and google analytics data to determine a page's bounce rate. To lower your bounce rate add internal links, write compelling copy, and invest in a clean site design.

Step Twelve for on page SEO

Sprinkle LSI Keywords: LSI keywords are synonyms that google uses to determine a page's relevancy (and possible quality). Find LSI keywords using 'searches related to...' at the bottom if google search results by entering your keywords into the google Adwords keyword tool.

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