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updatepedia 01-25-2016 03:50 AM

how to increase cpc in adsense?
how to increase cpc in adsense? why i got $ 0.1 for one click.. please tell me any tips

pvchien 01-25-2016 09:09 AM

i think cpc for usa ia highest , you should have content for American

ngocthem88 01-27-2016 11:37 PM

I also think you must focus for American market, you will increase cpc

quantumleap 01-27-2016 11:39 PM

Exactly you have to focus on American Market .

vidya01 04-10-2016 04:02 AM

try it for european market.

Sheelendra 04-18-2016 05:48 AM

Let us know the from which area are you getting your most of the traffic?

alopicatso 04-18-2016 06:40 AM

you need to direct some market as american or european

Steve102 04-20-2016 05:28 PM

Try with micro niche site.

kirakira2541 04-21-2016 05:44 AM

i think cpc for usa and canada ia highest , you should have content for American

website designe 05-21-2016 05:05 AM

The second tip on how to increase AdSense CPC is equally important. You must research your niche for the highest paying keywords. The way AdWords operates is that advertisers bid for keywords. The more they pay-per-click for a specific keyword, the higher in the Google SERPS their advert will appear.

jtnkkm 06-09-2016 06:31 AM

A niche site can work well

andyrod 06-09-2016 07:09 AM

I also think you must focus for American market,

omair 05-01-2017 12:05 PM

All suggestion has failed.
The best method is place your ads at the top position when users come to website if they were interested in ad firstly they click ads.
The result was upturn cpc

Techbmc 05-01-2017 12:17 PM

If you want to earn more on google adsense, then follow my guide. First of all, it all depends on the type of site you have and the type of content you share on the site. Place text ads after the title of your post, then at the middle of the post, place your image ads and at the ending of the post, you can still place text ads too. Remember, ensure not to place much ads on your site, then at the homepage, just place just two ads image or even one. Make it simple and see how your earning will increase. For more clarification, visit my site below and see how it is working for me. Remember, you keep placing different places until you get the exact point or location that earns big for you. (it is called experiment).

jaiOtaku 05-03-2017 01:59 PM

find a niche that pays more for clicks

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