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anujkumar 10-24-2016 03:10 AM

what is different on page work and off page work?
what is different on page work and off page work?

A humble request is from my side that please give me your suggestion about this

Pandith Raghave 10-24-2016 03:49 AM

On-page SEO is the demonstration of enhancing diverse parts of your site that affect your search engine rankings. It's paraphernalia that you need regulator and can change all alone site. Here are the greatest variables included.

1. Title Tags

2. Headings (H1)

3. URL structure

4. Alt text for images

5. Loading pages

6. Page content

7. Internal linking

8. Robots.txt

9. Site Map

Off-page SEO concentrates on expanding the authority of your domain through the demonstration of getting links from different sites.

mathewj 10-24-2016 03:52 AM

in on page optimization we work on source of the website. there are different on page techniques to optimize your web site. in off page seo optimization we work on link juice.

collaberex 10-25-2016 12:21 AM

On Page SEO - Work on the website page source, which includes title tag, meta description, meta keywords, url structures, image tags etc.
Off Page SEO - Link building is done here such as book marking, blog commenting, forum submission..etc

alex.thomson 10-25-2016 12:32 AM

21 SEO tactics, you need to know for 2016
ON-site SEO tactics
* Have a solid technical site structure and user navigation.
* Make sure your information is logical.
* link internally within body content (where it make sense to)
* Apply mobile responsive design
* Includes local identifiers and consistent NAP
* Implement structured data make-up
* Post regular newsworthy stories.
* Publish consistent, thought-provoking content.
* Include visible trust signals like partner logos and SSL certifications.
* Apply engagement focal points like large social share buttons.
OFF-site SEO tactics
* Spend time building relationship and networking.
* Acquire guest post opportunities by leveraging your network.
* Use a combination mid-to-long tail and branded anchor text on your off-site content.
* Get customers reviews on Google+ and review platform.
* Make sure your NAPs are consistent in the directory listing.
* Stay active on authoritative blogs and forum comments.
* Push your social signals by becoming more socially engaged with your audiences.
* Give testimonial where it makes sense, in return for branded links.
* Purchase credible and followed backlinks carefully (those which aren't obvious to Google).
* Find trusted sources to buy no followed advertorial links.
* Invest heavily in visual content creation and distribution.

rajkiran 10-27-2016 12:20 AM

On-page SEO is the demonstration of enhancing diverse parts of your site that affect your search engine rankings. It's paraphernalia that you need regulator and can change all alone site. Here are the greatest variables included.1. Title Tags,2. Headings (H1),3. URL structure,4. Alt text for images,5. Loading pages,6. Page content,7. Internal linking,8. Robots.txt,9. Site Map Off page is working on others for promoting your website by writing articles , blog posts, bookmarking and more. for increasing your page rank.

Jadanjesse 10-27-2016 03:28 AM

On Page SEO - Work on the website page source, which includes title tag, meta description, meta keywords, url structures, image tags etc.

Off Page SEO - Link building is done here such as book marking, blog commenting, forum submission..etc

Thoughtgrid 01-12-2017 05:49 AM

The on page work is edit the code of the website,off page methods are link building strategies for website

Gowtham20 01-12-2017 11:11 PM

On-page search engine optimization is what it sounds like: what you do on the pages of your website in effort to attract more inbound traffic. It focuses on informing the search engines exactly what your website is about and what you do. There are a number of different components involved with on-page SEO. The goal is to become as search-engine friendly as possible for users.

On-Page SEO includes:

Page title
Meta description
Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
Domain information
URL structure

off-page SEO focuses on increasing your website’s popularity (domain authority) by attracting links and brand mentions from other websites. If you can get quality links pointing at your website, It tells the search engines that your content provides value for its users. There are numerous strategies you can employ for off-page SEO, all of them designed to generate interest in and traffic for your site.

Off-Page SEO includes:

Link building
Valuable content
Long-tailed keywords
Guest blogging
SSL encryption
Social media shares

RH-Calvin 01-12-2017 11:26 PM

On page seo refers to the process that is followed on the website itself. Some of the tasks involved are:

Keyword research
Meta tags and title
Meta description
Robots.txt file
Sitemap generation
Content development
Image optimization

The various off page techniques are:

Guest posting
Article submission
Press release submission
Social bookmarks
Classified ads
Infographics submission

AshokDixit89 01-12-2017 11:59 PM

On-Page SEO- On-Page SEO refers to how well your website’s content is presented to search engines. On page, optimization involves ensuring whether a particular web page is structured in a manner so that it gets found by the search engines for given keywords and key phrases.

Off-Page SEO- Off-Page SEO refers to your website’s overall “authority” on the web determined by what other websites say about your site. Off-page optimization is a long-term process and takes a time to improve. Simply put, off page is all about your online reputation. Off page, optimization includes acquiring backlinks to your page from the authority sites in your niche.

DeanAlbert123 01-13-2017 02:11 AM

on page refers to site overall development authority while off page to acquiring back links so its a long term process

Val5292 01-13-2017 02:37 AM

On-page is about content, meta tags and description, robots, sitemap, site speed. Off-page is about building backlinks for your website.

BryceBrady 02-01-2017 02:08 AM

On-page SEO is the demonstration of enhancing diverse parts of your site that affect your search engine rankings. It's paraphernalia that you need regulator and can change all alone site. Here are the greatest variables included.

1. Title Tags

2. Headings (H1)

3. URL structure

4. Alt text for images

5. Loading pages

6. Page content

7. Internal linking

8. Robots.txt

9. Site Map

Off-page SEO concentrates on expanding the authority of your domain through the demonstration of getting links from different sites.

Dipika 02-01-2017 02:31 AM

On page activity: Meta Tags and Keyword Density
Off page activity: Blogging, Classified submission and Article submission

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