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bedolski 01-17-2017 10:47 AM

crypto currency
We are in this age rely on the Internet heavily to buy collectibles and subscription services that help facilitate our daily lives, and of course for the completion of these transactions, we should get a credit card from a bank, which in turn Atraguena the conditions and limits of daily use and problems suspend the card and expiry dates, not to mention large commissions and fees, and a lot of other things that prevent us from enjoying shopping on the Internet. What if we could shop online without the need for credit cards or banks in general? crypto Currency IS the solution. Is a digital currency can be traded between anyone, anywhere in the world. This currency is used isotope technique to peer Peer to Peer and that makes it decentralized, that is not being managed by a specific point, whether an organization or bank, but the currency and trade issues management en masse to me via a network configured. The coin version configured through a process called mining. 9071

quantumleap 05-25-2022 10:46 PM

crypto currency
A cryptocurrency, crypto-currency, crypto, or coin is a digital currency designed to work as a medium of exchange through a computer network that is not reliant on any central authority, such as a government or bank, to uphold or maintain it.

nada_book14 12-18-2023 11:00 AM

PSP and Crypto Processing White Label

Be Your Own Bank - Offer Payment and Crypto Services to Others

Transform your business instantly and offer banking-like services to your clients

Hundreds of payment services

Multiple crypto currency wallets and instant conversions

Automate with a developer friendly API to enable payment, activation and loading transactions

Issue prepaid ATM debit cards loadable by bank transfers and crypto currencies

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