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Harleyzoey 01-25-2017 03:26 AM

What is Crawler?
What is Crawler?

tyagi 01-25-2017 03:47 AM

It is a process of fetching all the web pages linked to a website.
This task is performed by a software called a crawker or a spider(Googlebot).

Thank you!
Happy to Help You.

sajjadali1122 01-25-2017 09:50 AM

The software created by search engine that check the whole internet to fetch the related quality contents in index of search engine. That we find by searching for google or yahoo.

SanGoku 01-25-2017 08:40 PM

A crawler is a program that visits Web sites and reads their pages and other information in order to create entries for a search engine index. The major search engines on the Web all have such a program, which is also known as a "spider" or a "bot."

online training 01-25-2017 09:40 PM

A crawler is a program that visits Web sites and reads their pages and other information in order to create entries for a search engine index. The major search engines on the Web all have such a program, which is also known as a "spider" or a "bot." Crawlers are typically programmed to visit sites that have been submitted by their owners as new or updated. Entire sites or specific pages can be selectively visited and indexed. Crawlers apparently gained the name because they crawl through a site a page at a time, following the links to other pages on the site until all pages have been read.

latestnewsheadl 01-25-2017 09:49 PM

Crawl is a set of programs through which google crawl your website and indexing their database.

cChirag Patel 01-25-2017 10:18 PM

Crawler is the search engine source for indexing your business website and show it in SERP.

AshokDixit89 01-25-2017 11:56 PM

Crawler bots and robots are same. This is an application written in a programming language. This application is used to fetch new and existing websites, a web page from the net. All search engines have their own crawlers.

Benjamin M 01-26-2017 12:29 AM

A crawler is a program that visits the Web site and reads their pages and other information to create entries in a search engine index.

Vishal Arora 01-26-2017 03:28 AM

A web crawler is an automated program, or script, that methodically scans or “crawls” through web pages to create an index of the data it is set to look for. This process is called Web crawling or spidering.

sonvi.belani 01-26-2017 03:45 AM

Crawler (Spider) is a bot which repeatedly browses websites. They are used by search engines in order to grow and refresh their indexes.

and it is:

-->A software program hosted online or locally that manages the capture of web content. Learn more in: Web Archiving
--> 2. Also known as robot or spider, it is a module of a search engine that is responsible for visiting Web sites and extracting their content to be further indexed by the search engine. Learn more in: Spatial Search Engines
-->3. An essential part of a search engine which “crawls” the Web, using its linked structure to find webpages which can be analyzed and stored in a search engine’s index. Learn more in: Search Engines: Past, Present, and Future
--> 4. Program or script which methodically browses databases collecting data about its elements Learn more in: Seek and Ye Shall Find

darrensmith67 01-26-2017 09:59 PM

A crawler is a program that visits the Web site and reads their pages and other information to create entries in a search engine index.

Jadanjesse 01-30-2017 01:51 AM

Crawler bots and robots are same. This is an application written in a programming language. This application is used to fetch new and existing websites, a web page from the net. All search engines have their own crawlers.

wiliamjamesh 01-30-2017 03:10 AM

A Web crawler are called a spider, is an Internet bot which systematically browses the World Wide Web, typically for the purpose of Web indexing.

alexson 01-30-2017 03:24 AM

It is a google software that visit our site after some interval and put site in their own data base. It retrieve date when some one search with keywords related to store data base.

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