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samaustin141 10-10-2012 01:54 AM

Link Juice
Hello,I have a little confusion about link juice in SEO.

Please tell me:-What is Link juice?How to create it?

gaurav.solanki 10-10-2012 03:11 AM

Link juice is the name of benefit you get when your site is linked with do follow site and indexed by Google.

seoposter 10-10-2012 04:04 AM

Link juice is a term coined to give a name to a PR share that is acquired by linking back to a website from dofollow sites. It is also believed that the link juice is what strongly contributes to the authority of a website online. Thus, the more link juice is acquired from other sites, the greater the authority of a website will become.

anshulniet 10-10-2012 04:12 AM

link juice can be called a thing that is considered by google to rank websites.

rajivwebads 10-10-2012 05:35 AM

Link Juice
In the world of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), one of the most important things is getting your website to be among the first listed on search engine sites. If it shows up in the first page or two of Google or Yahoo, for instance, many more people are likely to visit your site. The term link juice is directly concerned in SEO, since this is the juice that will drive up your rankings and bring visitors to your websites.

Greg Boser, who is an SEO consultant, is credited with coming up with the term link juice, and since then the term has gone “viral” on the Internet and fallen into common usage, especially in the SEO world. Essentially link juice becomes the very thing that you are looking for, in the number of people that provide links to your pages. The more links you have, especially from well-linked places, the greater your visibility and web page rankings become.

You can get link juice from a variety of sources. Some of it can be generated yourself by submitting to social media sites like Digg, Reddit, and Buzz. The problem is that you have to get other people to recommend you from these pages so that your page profile starts to grow, and this is variable. Another way you can get link juice is by asking people with related pages to provide a link to yours, and occasionally you may be able to blog on other sites where you can mention your own work.

A lot though, comes from your ability to create really wonderful and helpful pages that are going to generate a lot of interest. Instead of blogging about your page, you can write to other people who run sites similar to yours, though not identical, and ask people to visit your page. Since many people get multiple requests to view pages, especially if they have high SEO rankings, it can help to establish yourself and provide truly excellent content. If you just create a page to sell Google Ads, and it isn’t very good, noteworthy or original, don’t expect other people to cite it very often.
As you’re establishing web pages, it is important to take advantage of social networking on the Internet to establish more link juice. Don’t forget the value of various web pages built by friends and family. Getting a few links to your site at first, even if they come from pals at MySpace or Facebook, can really boost its profile, and will hopefully lead to other people viewing your site.

fan-suppliers 10-10-2012 06:14 PM

What is your favorite link building strategy for SEO?I think Link Exchange and Forum Posting are the very good tactics for building link...

blister 10-10-2012 06:20 PM

Link juice can help you get when your site is linked with do follow site and indexed by Google.

sinicline 10-10-2012 06:42 PM

The more link juice is acquired from other sites, the greater the authority of a website will become.

jiyaalbert 10-10-2012 10:57 PM

Link juice is one of Google factor to place website in ranking.Generate more Quality backlinks to increase juice ,Backlink from juicy sites helps more. Link juice is the value which helps to create trust level of Google to give a web page a page rank.

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