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rankindia 07-25-2019 06:53 AM

What are Short-tail and Long-tail Keywords?
What are Short-tail and Long-tail Keywords?

RH-Calvin 07-25-2019 10:31 PM

Short tail keywords are priority keywords that have large number of search volume in search engines.

Long tail keywords are keyword phrases those have less number of searches in search engines.

evejones 07-25-2019 11:19 PM

long tail keywords are keyword phrases made up of 3-5 words. They tend to have less traffic because they're not as popular as better-known “head” terms. “Head” terms, or “short tail” terms, refer to more commonly used words, for example, “running shoes.” These usually tend to be around two words.

wiliamjamesh 07-25-2019 11:44 PM

Long tail keywords square measure keyword phrases created from 3-5 words. they have a tendency to own less traffic as a result of they are not as in style as known “head” terms. “Head” terms, or “short tail” terms, talk to a lot of unremarkably used words, as an example, “running shoes.” These typically tend to be around 2 words.

manige3e 07-28-2019 02:37 PM

Keywords – the lifeblood of search engines. But which keywords should you be using on your website to get the most visitors and appear at the top of Google?

The first question you need to ask yourself is, what do you want to achieve? More visitors viewing your website or more visitors ready to buy from you?

The next thing you need to know is the different type of keywords available and which ones are the best to use for an effective SEO strategy. After you’ve done your extensive keyword research, finding the best keywords related to your business, you’ll have a list of short tail and long tail keywords which will make a good starting point.

So which keywords should you use?

Short Tail Keywords
Do you want to drive a lot of visitors to your website?

Using short tail keywords will often be the most effective way to do this. The challenge with short tail keywords is if you’re just starting out with a new website or never done any SEO work before, you’ll be joining the back of a long queue.

Short tail keywords, also known as “head terms”, are search phrases containing 1 to 3 words. For example, “trainers”, “Adidas trainers” and “womens Adidas trainers”.

Although short tail keywords would generate thousands of visitors to your website, they are highly competitive and harder to rank on Google. However, with a bit of hard work, patience and using the correct approach it is possible to rank for these search terms.

High search volume
High competition
Low intent to purchase
Low conversion rate
Long Tail Keywords
Do you want more visitors to find what they are searching for and buy from you?

More than 70% of internet searches are made up of long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are search phrases containing more than 3 words.

For example, “Adidas Yeezy Boost trainers” or “Kayne West trainers for sale”. Long tail keywords are more descriptive and allow you to target your ideal customer.

The challenge with long tail keywords is that they are more specific. You’ll receive fewer visitors to your website compared to using short tail keywords, but the visitors you do acquire are searching for something specific and have a higher intent to purchase.

Although the number of visitors will be lower it will mean you’re more likely to convert your visitors into paying customers.

From the long tail examples above you know customers are searching for a specific brand and type of trainer. If your website is optimised for this phrase and is found on Google, your visitor will land on the exact page they were searching for and will more likely buy from you.

Compare this to a short tail keyword search. The visitor would land on a page optimised for “trainers”. This could be any brand or type of trainer, making the search less effective and a lower conversion rate.

smith1 07-29-2019 12:00 AM

Short tail keywords: Short tail keywords are priority keywords that have a large number of search volume in search engines.

Long-tail keywords: Long-tail keywords are keyword phrases that have less number of searches in search engines.

buyinstagram 08-01-2019 03:04 AM

Short Tail or Long Tail Keywords?

The discussion has been raging and the resulting ends are something that anyone doing marketing on the Internet should be made aware of.

albertocosta 08-01-2019 05:11 AM

Long Tail Keywords: A small part of the traffic is provided by very generic keywords (often very competitive keywords and therefore very often typed by the Internet users in their research).

Short Tail Keywords: Although short-tail keywords are used to be extremely valuable in delivering targeted, user-relevant results, today's search algorithms are much more focused on context, value, and semantics. This means that as search engines got smarter, they began to consider the intent behind looking for someone.

aesthetiqclinic 08-01-2019 12:48 PM

The keywords that are consists of three or more words is called long tail keyword and the word that is consists of single word is called short tail keyword

buyinstagram 08-08-2019 07:40 AM

Short Tail or Long Tail Keywords?

The discussion has been raging and the resulting ends are something that anyone doing marketing on the Internet should be made aware of.

henrybolt 08-14-2019 12:42 AM

Short tail keywords are priority keywords that have large number of search volume in search engines.

Long tail keywords are keyword phrases those have less number of searches in search engines.

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