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sudeepkhana 10-11-2019 05:26 AM

What is SEO friendly URL?
What is SEO friendly URL?

vinukum 10-13-2019 11:46 PM

A friendly URL accurately describes the page using keywords that are easy to read for both search engines and users. URLs are a minor ranking factor search engines use when determining a particular page or resource's relevance to a search query. While they do give weight to the authority of the overall domain itself, keyword use in a URL can also act as a ranking factor.

RH-Calvin 10-15-2019 05:55 AM

SEO friendly URLs are those that contain keywords and the webpage title in the domain URL. This helps crawlers and browsers read your URL and know about your webpage content easily.

manige3e 10-17-2019 11:44 PM

What is an SEO friendly URL and how do you create one? What is a permalink in WordPress and how do you configure it?

URL optimization is one of the easiest SEO tasks to configure but at the same time it’s a necessary step you should take to make sure that your website is SEO friendly.

If you are using WordPress or any other CMS that is SEO friendly, optimizing your URL structure is something you will setup at the beginning and probably never have to deal with it again.

In this post, you will learn what is an optimized URL structure, why it’s important and how to SEO optimized your URLS in WordPress.

What is a Friendly URL?
First, let’s start with some basic terminology that will help you understand what we want to achieve.

What is a URL? A URL is the acronym for Uniform Resource Locator. In simple terms, a URL specifies the web address of a page.

Each and every web page on the Internet has a unique URL.

leenahahim 10-18-2019 10:26 PM

SEO friendly url's clean url's like no hyphens underscores.

Chris_Tax 10-19-2019 08:48 PM

All your do follow back links should have high domain authority.

william17 10-23-2019 11:59 PM

These are URLs that are designed to meet the needs of users and searchers both. As per the strategy. Optimized URLs for SEO should be short and keyword-rich.

buyinstagram 10-31-2019 12:42 AM

SEO friendly URLs are URLs that are designed to meet the needs of users and searchers. Specifically, URLs optimized for SEO tend to be short and keyword-rich.

iastitlesearch 10-31-2019 09:13 AM

I agree with @manige3e point.

PeterGenesis 10-31-2019 02:10 PM

It's awesome information for me

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